Indian Import Data: Know about Major Products Importing Details

India Import Data

Import is goods or services that are brought into the country from another country. Goods can be shipped, on planes, or by road. Importing goods and raw materials from another country reduces product costs or get higher quality products. It can give countries access to resources unavailable in their country. The trade agreements between the two countries help make import imports easier. Import data of India shows that GDP is 23.64% of India’s total GDP.

Indian import data is collected from customs, ports, and other reliable private and government bodies around the country. Imports data of India contains comprehensive information such as:-

Indian importer with contact details

Date of shipment

Product description and corresponding HS Code

Unit Rate in INR and USD

Quantity and Unit quantity

Port of Origin and country of origin

Port of destination

Transportation mode

Contact details of foreign exporters

So this import shipment data is one of the best tools to analyze the import trade of India.

Indian Import data shows that India imported 33.39 billion USD in November 2020, while it imported 38.52 billion USD in November 2020. This year the lowest import was recorded at 17.12 billion USD in April 2020. The importers data India shows the top importing partners are:-



United Arab Emirates

Saudi Arabia


The import data India can help traders show India’s import with various countries. They will be able to monitor competitors. Traders can use the information to increase business leads. They will be able to find new markets to procure their product. 

If we examine India Import Data, we will know India’s top imports products are:-

Mineral fuels (27% of India’s imports)

Gems & precious stones (14% of India’s imports)

Electrical machinery (10 % of India’s imports)

Machinery and mechanical appliances (8% of India’s imports)

Organic chemicals (4% of India’s imports)

According to Indian Importers data, the top importers in India are:-

Reliance Industries Ltd

Indian OIL Corporation

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd

Adani Enterprises Ltd.

Vedanta Group


Export Import Data Solutions has the latest and updated India import data 2020. We have been providing import export data of 80+ countries including India since 2009. This data is one of the best ways to track your competitor’s business trade in the international trade market. Visit our website portal to get a free demo search for your business products using the HS code.

Related Blog: India Export Data 2020

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