Indian Ports Export Data for tracking Export from India to Global Countries
Indian port export data is well managed and maintained and consolidated by shipment bills, invoices filed with Indian customs. The export data of Indian ports contains all the records from the air and sea Shipments moving from Indian ICDs, CFS, Seaports, and Airports.
India mainly exports to its major export trading partners. The United States, United Arab Emirates, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and the United Kingdom are the main export partners of India. The two export ports of India are Gurgaon ICD Export Data, Patparganj Export Data.
Gurgaon ICD Export Data
Gurgaon ICD Export Data is also known as Gurgaon ICD Export Trade Data. Gurgaon ICD Custom Shipment Export Data provides you all the shipment details of Indian exporters. The export data of Gurgaon ICD is collected from the Bill of entry and Bill of lading file on the port. Gurgaon ICD Export Data helps India to find new opportunities for business from the international market and helps to build a good business network internationally.
Patparganj Port Export Data
Patparganj Export port is in Delhi. Patparganj ICD export data is based on actual export shipment records. Traders can find all the shipment details such as exporter name, product descriptions, shipment date, product quantity, pricing in INR and Us dollars, etc.
Today the competition in the market is very high, and the margin is low so every exporter wants new buyers for their products, and Patparganj port Export Data will be helpful for the exporters to find new buyers for their products in the international market.
This information will help you to grow business and helps to gain a good profit margin and constant income for a longer time.