Export Import Data Bank: Indian Exim Data 2020

Export Import Data Bank

India had a protective economy, it became open to international trade after 1991. The economic reforms of 1991 deregulated import licensing. Traders could now import intermediate inputs and capital goods easily. The Indian economy improved considerably, and India is ranked 3rd in terms of PPP. The available import-export information in India shows that presently international trade is 43.3% of India’s GDP. Imports of goods and services were 21.36% of the GDP in 2019, and exports of goods and services were 18.86%. The trade data revealed international trade in India as a percentage of 32.5%.

Our experts create the Exim data based on information collected from the import-export activity at the main custom ports (seaport, airports, and ICD) of India. The comprehensive database contains genuine shipping records. 

Exim data India is used by importers, exporters, logistics companies, investors, attorneys, and government agencies. It can give business owners a deeper understanding of the variables export-import business and make a comprehensive business plan. Use the genuine import-export information India to track your competition.  

Export import data shows export in November 2020 was $ 23.52 billion, and imports in November 2020 were $33.39 billion. The highest exports for 2020 were recorded in February when exports amounted to $ 27.65 billion, and the lowest exports figures were in April when $10.36 billion. The highest imports for 2020 were recorded in February when $41.41 billion and the lowest imports were in April when India imported $ 17.12 billion. 

According to import export data, imports of petroleum crude have been falling by over 43.3%. Other imports of products that showed a sharp decline in 2020 were transport equipment, machinery, and coal, coke, and briquettes. The export of petroleum has been falling steadily this year. Other exports that have reduced significantly in 2020 were leather, cashew, plastics, and marine products. 

According to the export import data bank, India shows us top trade partners for imports and exports were:-

China ($38 billion)

United States of America ($33.54 billion)

UAE ($15.12 billion)

Hong Kong ($11.19 billion)

Singapore ($9.12 billion).

Exportimportdata.in” is one of the best import export data websites in India that offers the latest and updated exports and imports trade statistics of India. This export import data bank has all the details based on the actual custom shipment records collected from daily imports exports trading to/from India.

Related Blog: Indian Customs Data

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